Cranium Critters Book Series

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Scout & Einstein Characters

Pause Place Printables

Our talented illustrator brings Cranium Critters to life . . .

Book Reviews

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I bought the e-Kindle version of this book and plan on ordering the hard copy for the bedtime story.
This book is easy to understand for children. It helps them associate their feelings and emotions with the characters in the book (Scout and Einstein) and apply techniques learned from the book to handle themselves when problems arise.”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Cranium Critters Paws at the Pause Place is a wonderful book that helps children understand their “big” emotions and how they can manage them with clever techniques. The story of Scout and Einstein and the Paws Place demonstrate the skill, passion and dedication that the authors possess and share when working with children and the importance of maintaining our social emotional wellness.
I will be giving this book to our niece who is studying Early Childhood Education and to several other friends who love and are dedicated to children. A great resource and tool for anyone to have in their library!
This book shares a vital message and the techniques can be useful for everyone – not just children!”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Helps break down life skills that kids need but in a way that they can understand! Makes my job as a parent easier since I can’t always find the words for them to understand at a young age. I plan on buying a copy for my Elementary school counselor as well for school use.”