Marie W at Cranium Kids

From Chaos to Peace: Proven Strategies for Managing Temper Tantrums

You’re at the grocery store with your child, who is begging and pleading for a box of “Frosted Fudge Flakes.” You’ve told them no, but they’re having none of it. Suddenly, they throw themselves onto the floor, kicking and screaming at the top of their lungs. You’re embarrassed, frustrated, and feeling like the worst parent

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Visualizing Success: Using a Future Picture to Support Children with Executive Function Challenges

As a parent or teacher of a child with executive function challenges, you may have noticed that your kid struggles with tasks that require organization, planning, or self-regulation. These skills, known as executive function skills, are important for helping us achieve our goals and succeed in school, work, and other areas of life. Before we

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Be a Friendship Magnet: An SEL Lesson on How to Attract Friends

Magnets are interesting because they have the power to attract and stick to some things, but they also have the power to repel or push away other things.  People are kinda like that. We can use our words and actions to attract others, but sometimes our words and actions can do the opposite – they

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Bend and Stretch Your Brain: An SEL Lesson on Flexible Thinking

Imagine this: your child is faced with a problem at school and instead of feeling frustrated or overwhelmed, they confidently come up with a creative solution. As a parent, you know that this kind of adaptability and flexibility is key to your child’s success in school and in life. But how can you help your

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New Year, New Mindset: Cultivating a Growth Mindset

As the new year approaches, it’s a great opportunity for parents and teachers to help their elementary aged children develop a growth mindset. But what exactly is a growth mindset? It’s the belief that one’s abilities and intelligence can be developed and improved through effort and perseverance. This is in contrast to a fixed mindset,

New Year, New Mindset: Cultivating a Growth Mindset Read More »

Mean Doesn’t Always Mean MEAN: an SEL Lesson on Social Misperception

When your child complains about another child being “mean”, it might not mean what you think it means! As your child grows and begins to navigate their social relationships, it’s natural for them to encounter moments where they feel like someone is being mean or treating them unfairly. It can be tough for kids to

Mean Doesn’t Always Mean MEAN: an SEL Lesson on Social Misperception Read More »

Stop Playing the “What If?” Game: Worry Monster Tricks & Tips

We know that anxiety can be tough to deal with, especially when it seems like the “worry monster” is always lurking around the corner. But here’s the thing: that worry monster is a big fat liar. It loves to play the “What if?” mind game, focusing on the worst case scenario, which leaves us feeling

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“It’s a Wonderful Life” – An Inspiring Reminder

“Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?” This line from the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” really strikes a chord with me. I’ve seen the movie dozens of times.  Yet once again this holiday season, Clarence, an angel-in-training, reminds me of just how

“It’s a Wonderful Life” – An Inspiring Reminder Read More »

The Present of Presence: The Greatest Gift of All

Throughout the holiday season, many of us find ourselves caught up in the excitement of gift-giving and receiving. We rush to buy the perfect presents, wrap them up with care, and place them under the tree, eagerly awaiting the moment when we can finally see the looks of joy on our loved ones’ faces as

The Present of Presence: The Greatest Gift of All Read More »