
How to use a Mind Jar as a Teaching Tool for Calming Strong Emotions

Have you ever felt like your thoughts are swirling around like glitter in a snow globe after a vigorous shake? Well, that’s exactly what can happen to our minds when we experience strong emotions. But just like the calming descent of those shimmering flecks, we can learn to quiet the storm within and regain our

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Mindfulness: How to Improve Everything by Doing Nothing

Hey Teachers! What if we told you that by doing nothing, your students could benefit greatly in the classroom? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it’s not. We’re talking about mindfulness, and it’s a practice that has proven to reduce problematic behaviors in the classroom while providing a host of other benefits for

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Pause. Breathe. Think! A Simple Strategy for Impulse Control

Has this ever happened to you?  You’re in your kitchen when, without thinking, you grab the lid off a hot pot with your bare hands. What happens next? If your first instinct is to yank your hand away, congratulations! You’ve just demonstrated a classic example of an impulse – an automatic reaction without much thought.

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Unlocking The Secrets Of Emotion: A Guide For Parents And Teachers

As parents and teachers, we often find ourselves struggling to navigate the emotional ups and downs of our children. One moment they are overjoyed with excitement, and the next, they are reduced to tears. It can be challenging to know how to help our children manage their emotions effectively. However, by understanding the science of

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Feeling Sad Isn’t Bad: Emotional Discomfort Helps Kids Grow

Parenting is no easy feat. It’s a job that requires patience, perseverance, and a lot of love. But one thing that often gets overlooked is the importance of allowing children to experience a range of emotions, even the uncomfortable ones. As much as we want to protect our kids from pain and discomfort, it’s important

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Innovative SEL Lesson: The Balloon and Skewer Activity for Regulating Emotions

Have you ever had a disagreement with a friend and felt like your emotions were blowing up like a balloon? It can be tough to stay calm and find a solution when we’re feeling strong emotions like anger or frustration. But there’s a fun and educational way to practice managing our emotions and solving problems

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From Chaos to Peace: Proven Strategies for Managing Temper Tantrums

You’re at the grocery store with your child, who is begging and pleading for a box of “Frosted Fudge Flakes.” You’ve told them no, but they’re having none of it. Suddenly, they throw themselves onto the floor, kicking and screaming at the top of their lungs. You’re embarrassed, frustrated, and feeling like the worst parent

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