Brain Awareness

Parenting in the Age of Screens: Finding a Healthy Balance

Have you ever heard the quote, “You can’t put an old head on young shoulders”? It’s a proverb that emphasizes the value of experience in making wise decisions. My Irish Nana, like many grandparents of her generation, often used this saying to remind us that maturity and life experience are essential for navigating complex situations. […]

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It May Look Like Fun, But Play is Actually a Child’s “Work”

Have you ever wondered why children seem so immersed in play, as if it’s the most important thing in the world? What if I told you that for children, play is their most important work? Through play, children develop critical skills that shape their social and emotional development, and it’s much more than just fun

It May Look Like Fun, But Play is Actually a Child’s “Work” Read More »

10 Great Games for Boosting Executive FUNctioning!

Did you know that in addition to being fun to play, board games provide great exercise for your child’s brain? Board games can be an enjoyable way for all kids, including those with learning and attention challenges, to build their brain’s executive function skills.  Executive functions are the mental processes that are required to pay

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How to use a Mind Jar as a Teaching Tool for Calming Strong Emotions

Have you ever felt like your thoughts are swirling around like glitter in a snow globe after a vigorous shake? Well, that’s exactly what can happen to our minds when we experience strong emotions. But just like the calming descent of those shimmering flecks, we can learn to quiet the storm within and regain our

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Unwrapping Joy: How to Find and Create Joy

We live in a society that often tells us that happiness can be found in material possessions and external circumstances. We’re bombarded with advertisements telling us that if we just buy the latest gadget or designer handbag, we’ll find joy and fulfillment. Around the holidays, the word “joy” echoes in the songs we sing, the

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Unfolding the Secrets of Learning: An Origami Lesson

Have you ever wondered how learning unfolds in our minds, much like the intricate folds of an origami project? Imagine the human brain as a complex origami masterpiece, with each fold representing a new learning experience. As we navigate the challenges and triumphs of learning, we forge neural pathways that shape our understanding of the

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From Chaos to Calm: Unlock the Power of the Pause Place

As teachers and parents, we know that children can often become overwhelmed, frustrated, or anxious in the classroom or at home. In these moments, it is important to have a designated calming space where children can go to reset their minds and calm their bodies. One way to create a calming space is to set

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Mindfulness: How to Improve Everything by Doing Nothing

Hey Teachers! What if we told you that by doing nothing, your students could benefit greatly in the classroom? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it’s not. We’re talking about mindfulness, and it’s a practice that has proven to reduce problematic behaviors in the classroom while providing a host of other benefits for

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The Distraction Dilemma: How to Outsmart the Squirrels

Dear Ordinary Extraordinary Humans –  Welcome to an exciting exploration of the fascinating world of distractions! In our children’s picture book, “Cranium Critters: Einstein Acts When Squirrels Distract,” we explore the mischievous realm of squirrels—the kind that cause all kinds of nutty nonsense and distract us from our goals. Join us as we embark on

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