
It May Look Like Fun, But Play is Actually a Child’s “Work”

Have you ever wondered why children seem so immersed in play, as if it’s the most important thing in the world? What if I told you that for children, play is their most important work? Through play, children develop critical skills that shape their social and emotional development, and it’s much more than just fun […]

It May Look Like Fun, But Play is Actually a Child’s “Work” Read More »

Finger Traps: Fun Toys for Powerful Lessons

Finger traps are simple yet intriguing little toys made from woven bamboo, paper, or plastic. They consist of a hollow, tubular structure with open ends. When you insert your fingers into each end and attempt to pull them out, the trap tightens around your fingers, making it challenging to free yourself. The more you try

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 If You Give a Kid a Cell Phone: Nurturing Digital Citizens

We live in an age where technology has become an integral part of our lives, and children are being given cell phones at younger and younger ages. Inspired by the beloved children’s book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,” let’s delve into the topic of giving a kid a cell phone and the crucial

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Be a Friendship Magnet: An SEL Lesson on How to Attract Friends

Magnets are interesting because they have the power to attract and stick to some things, but they also have the power to repel or push away other things.  People are kinda like that. We can use our words and actions to attract others, but sometimes our words and actions can do the opposite – they

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Mean Doesn’t Always Mean MEAN: an SEL Lesson on Social Misperception

When your child complains about another child being “mean”, it might not mean what you think it means! As your child grows and begins to navigate their social relationships, it’s natural for them to encounter moments where they feel like someone is being mean or treating them unfairly. It can be tough for kids to

Mean Doesn’t Always Mean MEAN: an SEL Lesson on Social Misperception Read More »

Festivus’s Airing of Grievances: A Positive Tool for Communication or a Recipe for Conflict?

Festivus, the holiday made popular on the TV show Seinfeld, is celebrated on December 23rd. This parody of traditional holiday celebrations includes the annual Festivus tradition known as “airing of grievances,” where participants tell others how they have disappointed or frustrated them over the past year. While it is true that an increase in negative

Festivus’s Airing of Grievances: A Positive Tool for Communication or a Recipe for Conflict? Read More »