Emotion Regulation

Anxiety: Secrets to Unmasking the Many Faces it Wears

Do you remember the first time you encountered anxiety? Perhaps it was a fluttering in your stomach before a big test or a sudden rush of unease in a new situation. Anxiety can be a complex and elusive emotion, especially for children. In my work with elementary students, I’ve seen how anxiety can manifest in […]

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Pause. Breathe. Think! A Simple Strategy for Impulse Control

Has this ever happened to you?  You’re in your kitchen when, without thinking, you grab the lid off a hot pot with your bare hands. What happens next? If your first instinct is to yank your hand away, congratulations! You’ve just demonstrated a classic example of an impulse – an automatic reaction without much thought.

Pause. Breathe. Think! A Simple Strategy for Impulse Control Read More »

How to Twist Your Approach to Social Emotional Learning

Are you an elementary school counselor searching for innovative methods to make social emotional learning (SEL) lessons more engaging and enjoyable for your students?  Do you often find it challenging to encourage active participation in SEL activities?  If you’re seeking a fun and interactive way to foster essential social emotional skills such as teamwork, communication,

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Chutes and Ladders: Learning About Life’s Ups & Downs

Chutes and Ladders is a classic board game that can serve as an excellent springboard for discussing the ups and downs of life with children. The game’s simple mechanics of climbing ladders and sliding down chutes symbolize the highs and lows we all experience in life. Here are some ways school counselors (or other adults) 

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Structured Screen Time: Disconnecting from Screens & Connecting With Real Life

As the summer season approaches, parents face a familiar challenge: how to encourage their children to step away from screens and engage in meaningful activities. While it may seem that children can pay attention to screens for hours without any apparent issues, it is crucial to recognize the long-term consequences of excessive screen time on

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End-of-Year Transition: The Kaleidoscope of Change

As the school year comes to a close, it’s natural for students, parents, and educators to reflect on the journey they’ve taken together. This reflection often brings about thoughts of change, and the potential challenges and excitement that lie ahead. Change can sometimes be intimidating, but today, we’ll explore how change is simply a different

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Unlocking The Secrets Of Emotion: A Guide For Parents And Teachers

As parents and teachers, we often find ourselves struggling to navigate the emotional ups and downs of our children. One moment they are overjoyed with excitement, and the next, they are reduced to tears. It can be challenging to know how to help our children manage their emotions effectively. However, by understanding the science of

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Overcome Test Anxiety: Plant Seeds of Confidence

Oh, spring. The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and the students are…stressed out of their minds? Ah, yes, it must be state testing season!  As elementary teachers, we know that testing can be a source of anxiety for our students. But fear not! There are plenty of strategies that we can use to

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Feeling Sad Isn’t Bad: Emotional Discomfort Helps Kids Grow

Parenting is no easy feat. It’s a job that requires patience, perseverance, and a lot of love. But one thing that often gets overlooked is the importance of allowing children to experience a range of emotions, even the uncomfortable ones. As much as we want to protect our kids from pain and discomfort, it’s important

Feeling Sad Isn’t Bad: Emotional Discomfort Helps Kids Grow Read More »

Affirmations: Powerful Little Pep Talks for Your Brain

Hi everyone! Have you ever heard of affirmations? Affirmations are simple, positive statements that we repeat to ourselves to provide encouragement and motivation. And did you know that they are based on science? Our brain’s language is repetition. Whatever we say or think or do repeatedly sticks in our brain. When we practice doing something

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