Emotional Intelligence

Help Kids See Into the Future: A Tool for ADHD

Does your child frequently show up unprepared for events or activities, resulting in negative consequences?  Do you find yourself feeling frustrated by their inability to plan ahead or make thoughtful decisions? Are your well-intentioned warnings ignored by your child, despite their feelings of regret later?  If these challenges resonate with you, you are not alone. […]

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Standing Out & Blending In – Lessons from a Sea Dragon

Have you ever seen a sea dragon? When encountering the awe-inspiring beauty and gracefulness of a sea dragon gliding through the water, it’s hard not to be captivated. These majestic creatures possess a remarkable ability to blend into their surroundings, ensuring their safety and survival in the vast ocean. As I stood in wonder, observing

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Exploring the Great Outdoors: 5 Benefits for Children

Recently, I took a leisurely walk with some friends. One friend brought along her preschool-aged children, and watching them explore and interact with nature was a joyous sight. It was a breath of fresh air, both literally and metaphorically. The experience made me reflect on the incredible importance of outdoor adventures for young children, particularly

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A Mental Dress Rehearsal: Planning in Your Mind

As the sun begins to set, you find yourself sitting behind the wheel of your car, ready to embark on a flurry of evening activities. As you navigate the familiar route home, your mind springs into action, engaging in a mental dress rehearsal of the tasks that lie ahead. You mentally choreograph the evening’s agenda—picking

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Finger Traps: Fun Toys for Powerful Lessons

Finger traps are simple yet intriguing little toys made from woven bamboo, paper, or plastic. They consist of a hollow, tubular structure with open ends. When you insert your fingers into each end and attempt to pull them out, the trap tightens around your fingers, making it challenging to free yourself. The more you try

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 If You Give a Kid a Cell Phone: Nurturing Digital Citizens

We live in an age where technology has become an integral part of our lives, and children are being given cell phones at younger and younger ages. Inspired by the beloved children’s book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,” let’s delve into the topic of giving a kid a cell phone and the crucial

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End-of-Year Transition: The Kaleidoscope of Change

As the school year comes to a close, it’s natural for students, parents, and educators to reflect on the journey they’ve taken together. This reflection often brings about thoughts of change, and the potential challenges and excitement that lie ahead. Change can sometimes be intimidating, but today, we’ll explore how change is simply a different

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Unlocking The Secrets Of Emotion: A Guide For Parents And Teachers

As parents and teachers, we often find ourselves struggling to navigate the emotional ups and downs of our children. One moment they are overjoyed with excitement, and the next, they are reduced to tears. It can be challenging to know how to help our children manage their emotions effectively. However, by understanding the science of

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SEL for ALL: Social Emotional Learning Promotes Equity in Education

Education is a powerful tool that can open doors and create opportunities for individuals from all walks of life. However, access to quality education is not always equitable, and students from marginalized backgrounds often face systemic barriers to academic success. One way to address this issue is by incorporating social emotional learning (SEL) into education.

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Overcome Test Anxiety: Plant Seeds of Confidence

Oh, spring. The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and the students are…stressed out of their minds? Ah, yes, it must be state testing season!  As elementary teachers, we know that testing can be a source of anxiety for our students. But fear not! There are plenty of strategies that we can use to

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