Manage Emotions

From Toys to Tools: Shake Up Your SEL with a Mind Jar

Have you ever noticed how children’s emotions can take over in a flash? Maybe you’ve seen a student’s frustration boil over during a tricky math problem or their anxiety spike when the unexpected happens. When this happens, unproductive words and actions can follow and even spiral out of control. As adults, we know that emotions […]

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How to use a Mind Jar as a Teaching Tool for Calming Strong Emotions

Have you ever felt like your thoughts are swirling around like glitter in a snow globe after a vigorous shake? Well, that’s exactly what can happen to our minds when we experience strong emotions. But just like the calming descent of those shimmering flecks, we can learn to quiet the storm within and regain our

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Unwrapping Joy: How to Find and Create Joy

We live in a society that often tells us that happiness can be found in material possessions and external circumstances. We’re bombarded with advertisements telling us that if we just buy the latest gadget or designer handbag, we’ll find joy and fulfillment. Around the holidays, the word “joy” echoes in the songs we sing, the

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From Chaos to Calm: Unlock the Power of the Pause Place

As teachers and parents, we know that children can often become overwhelmed, frustrated, or anxious in the classroom or at home. In these moments, it is important to have a designated calming space where children can go to reset their minds and calm their bodies. One way to create a calming space is to set

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Adjusting to a New (Classroom) Family: Back-to-School Emotions 

Have you ever thought about the start of a new school year as similar to the process of adjusting to a change in the family? Just as families experience shifts in dynamics when changes occur, students and their families often undergo a period of adjustment once the novelty of the school year wears off. This

Adjusting to a New (Classroom) Family: Back-to-School Emotions  Read More »

Anxiety: Secrets to Unmasking the Many Faces it Wears

Do you remember the first time you encountered anxiety? Perhaps it was a fluttering in your stomach before a big test or a sudden rush of unease in a new situation. Anxiety can be a complex and elusive emotion, especially for children. In my work with elementary students, I’ve seen how anxiety can manifest in

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Pause. Breathe. Think! A Simple Strategy for Impulse Control

Has this ever happened to you?  You’re in your kitchen when, without thinking, you grab the lid off a hot pot with your bare hands. What happens next? If your first instinct is to yank your hand away, congratulations! You’ve just demonstrated a classic example of an impulse – an automatic reaction without much thought.

Pause. Breathe. Think! A Simple Strategy for Impulse Control Read More »

How to Twist Your Approach to Social Emotional Learning

Are you an elementary school counselor searching for innovative methods to make social emotional learning (SEL) lessons more engaging and enjoyable for your students?  Do you often find it challenging to encourage active participation in SEL activities?  If you’re seeking a fun and interactive way to foster essential social emotional skills such as teamwork, communication,

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Chutes and Ladders: Learning About Life’s Ups & Downs

Chutes and Ladders is a classic board game that can serve as an excellent springboard for discussing the ups and downs of life with children. The game’s simple mechanics of climbing ladders and sliding down chutes symbolize the highs and lows we all experience in life. Here are some ways school counselors (or other adults) 

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