SEL Lesson

Growing Friendships: An Innovative Social Skills Lesson

As the school year kicks off, it’s a season of new beginnings. Just like the changing leaves and the promise of fresh growth, this is the time when we all have the chance to sow the seeds of something truly beautiful—friendship. Whether you’re a student moving to he next grade, a teacher creating a nurturing […]

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How to Twist Your Approach to Social Emotional Learning

Are you an elementary school counselor searching for innovative methods to make social emotional learning (SEL) lessons more engaging and enjoyable for your students?  Do you often find it challenging to encourage active participation in SEL activities?  If you’re seeking a fun and interactive way to foster essential social emotional skills such as teamwork, communication,

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A Mental Dress Rehearsal: Planning in Your Mind

As the sun begins to set, you find yourself sitting behind the wheel of your car, ready to embark on a flurry of evening activities. As you navigate the familiar route home, your mind springs into action, engaging in a mental dress rehearsal of the tasks that lie ahead. You mentally choreograph the evening’s agenda—picking

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Finger Traps: Fun Toys for Powerful Lessons

Finger traps are simple yet intriguing little toys made from woven bamboo, paper, or plastic. They consist of a hollow, tubular structure with open ends. When you insert your fingers into each end and attempt to pull them out, the trap tightens around your fingers, making it challenging to free yourself. The more you try

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Feeling Sad Isn’t Bad: Emotional Discomfort Helps Kids Grow

Parenting is no easy feat. It’s a job that requires patience, perseverance, and a lot of love. But one thing that often gets overlooked is the importance of allowing children to experience a range of emotions, even the uncomfortable ones. As much as we want to protect our kids from pain and discomfort, it’s important

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Affirmations: Powerful Little Pep Talks for Your Brain

Hi everyone! Have you ever heard of affirmations? Affirmations are simple, positive statements that we repeat to ourselves to provide encouragement and motivation. And did you know that they are based on science? Our brain’s language is repetition. Whatever we say or think or do repeatedly sticks in our brain. When we practice doing something

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Teaching Kids the Art of Memory Making: An SEL Lesson about Positive Impressions

Today, we’re going to be talking about something that affects all of us – memories. Did you know that we have the power to shape the memories that others have of us? That’s right, everything we do and say gets stored in “memory files” in the minds of those around us, and it’s up to

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Innovative SEL Lesson: The Balloon and Skewer Activity for Regulating Emotions

Have you ever had a disagreement with a friend and felt like your emotions were blowing up like a balloon? It can be tough to stay calm and find a solution when we’re feeling strong emotions like anger or frustration. But there’s a fun and educational way to practice managing our emotions and solving problems

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Be a Friendship Magnet: An SEL Lesson on How to Attract Friends

Magnets are interesting because they have the power to attract and stick to some things, but they also have the power to repel or push away other things.  People are kinda like that. We can use our words and actions to attract others, but sometimes our words and actions can do the opposite – they

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Bend and Stretch Your Brain: An SEL Lesson on Flexible Thinking

Imagine this: your child is faced with a problem at school and instead of feeling frustrated or overwhelmed, they confidently come up with a creative solution. As a parent, you know that this kind of adaptability and flexibility is key to your child’s success in school and in life. But how can you help your

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