
Adjusting to a New (Classroom) Family: Back-to-School Emotions 

Have you ever thought about the start of a new school year as similar to the process of adjusting to a change in the family? Just as families experience shifts in dynamics when changes occur, students and their families often undergo a period of adjustment once the novelty of the school year wears off. This […]

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Anxiety: Secrets to Unmasking the Many Faces it Wears

Do you remember the first time you encountered anxiety? Perhaps it was a fluttering in your stomach before a big test or a sudden rush of unease in a new situation. Anxiety can be a complex and elusive emotion, especially for children. In my work with elementary students, I’ve seen how anxiety can manifest in

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Growing Friendships: 3 Common Friendship Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Friendship can be kinda tricky. When kids are excited about having new friends, sometimes without meaning to, they end up pushing their friends away by doing things that ANNOY them. Has anyone ever accused you of being annoying? Then you might need to figure out how and when to stop so that you can keep

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How to Twist Your Approach to Social Emotional Learning

Are you an elementary school counselor searching for innovative methods to make social emotional learning (SEL) lessons more engaging and enjoyable for your students?  Do you often find it challenging to encourage active participation in SEL activities?  If you’re seeking a fun and interactive way to foster essential social emotional skills such as teamwork, communication,

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Chutes and Ladders: Learning About Life’s Ups & Downs

Chutes and Ladders is a classic board game that can serve as an excellent springboard for discussing the ups and downs of life with children. The game’s simple mechanics of climbing ladders and sliding down chutes symbolize the highs and lows we all experience in life. Here are some ways school counselors (or other adults) 

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Ned’s Head: An Engaging Game and Powerful Teaching Tool

As an elementary school counselor, I’m always on the lookout for engaging tools to teach social-emotional skills. Enter What’s in Ned’s Head, a whimsical game that has become a favorite game in my counseling sessions. This quirky and delightful game not only captivates young minds but also provides practical ways to illustrate inside-the-head and outside-the-head

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Help Kids See Into the Future: A Tool for ADHD

Does your child frequently show up unprepared for events or activities, resulting in negative consequences?  Do you find yourself feeling frustrated by their inability to plan ahead or make thoughtful decisions? Are your well-intentioned warnings ignored by your child, despite their feelings of regret later?  If these challenges resonate with you, you are not alone.

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Standing Out & Blending In – Lessons from a Sea Dragon

Have you ever seen a sea dragon? When encountering the awe-inspiring beauty and gracefulness of a sea dragon gliding through the water, it’s hard not to be captivated. These majestic creatures possess a remarkable ability to blend into their surroundings, ensuring their safety and survival in the vast ocean. As I stood in wonder, observing

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A Mental Dress Rehearsal: Planning in Your Mind

As the sun begins to set, you find yourself sitting behind the wheel of your car, ready to embark on a flurry of evening activities. As you navigate the familiar route home, your mind springs into action, engaging in a mental dress rehearsal of the tasks that lie ahead. You mentally choreograph the evening’s agenda—picking

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 If You Give a Kid a Cell Phone: Nurturing Digital Citizens

We live in an age where technology has become an integral part of our lives, and children are being given cell phones at younger and younger ages. Inspired by the beloved children’s book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,” let’s delve into the topic of giving a kid a cell phone and the crucial

 If You Give a Kid a Cell Phone: Nurturing Digital Citizens Read More »