Unwrapping Joy: How to Find and Create Joy

We live in a society that often tells us that happiness can be found in material possessions and external circumstances. We’re bombarded with advertisements telling us that if we just buy the latest gadget or designer handbag, we’ll find joy and fulfillment.

Around the holidays, the word “joy” echoes in the songs we sing, the greetings we exchange, and the stories we tell. But what exactly is joy, and why does it become important for us to think about during this season?

Joy is More than Happiness

Joy is more than happiness; it’s a delightful mix of love, hope, satisfaction, and contentment. It’s a warm, enjoyable feeling that dances through your body and mind, making life more vibrant . . . and joyful!

Joy and the Brain

Our brain with its intricate control centers of thoughts, emotions, and actions, play a pivotal role in cultivating joy. Two key players in this endeavor are the amygdala, affectionately known as Scout the Safety Pup, and the prefrontal cortex (PFC), also referred to as Einstein the Owl.

Scout, the Safety Pup, resides in the limbic system, our brain’s emotional control center. Her primary responsibility is to ensure our safety and well-being by detecting and responding to potential threats. When joy floods our system, Scout receives a soothing message of contentment and security. This positive reinforcement signals to Scout that we are in a safe and pleasant environment, allowing her to relax and ease up on its vigilance.

Einstein the Owl, the brain’s head thinker and problem solver, makes his home in the PFC, the executive control center of our mind. Einstein’s responsibilities include planning, decision-making, and working with Scout to regulate our emotions. When joy takes hold, it energizes Einstein and enhances his cognitive functions. Each boost in Einstein’s performance allows us to approach tasks with greater clarity, focus, and creativity.

In other words, joy is good for our brain!

The Challenge of Negative Thoughts

Sometimes, when we’re feeling worried or frustrated, it can be hard to find joy. Uncomfortable emotions can make us impatient and hard to get along with others. When this happens, it’s like our upset feelings get bigger and bigger, making it even harder to find joy.

Joy is Not Found in Stuff

Contrary to popular belief, joy isn’t found in material possessions or money. While a new toy or gadget might bring temporary happiness, true joy comes from a deeper, more meaningful source.

Joy Comes from Appreciation

Authentic joy stems from noticing and appreciating the good things in life, regardless of their size or cost. Small, special moments spark joy. Whether it’s the glow of colorful lights, the gentle fall of snowflakes, or the warmth of spending time with loved ones, these are the moments that ignite joy within us. Gratitude brings joy!

Embrace Joy This Season

In a world that could use a little more joy, let’s seize this season of joy to recognize and appreciate the small moments of goodness around us. By doing so, we can create a ripple effect that transforms our perspective.

Remember, joy is not something we find; it’s something we create!

Little Life Lessons • BIG Life Skills

As we wrap up this exploration of joy, take a moment to reflect on its power.  Try using these tips to add a bit of joy to your life:

  • Be mindful of your thoughts. Replace negativity with positivity.
  • Practice gratitude daily. Reflect on the things you are thankful for.
  • Engage in activities you enjoy. Carve out time for reading, sports, or moments with loved ones.
  • Extend kindness. Helping others can be a powerful way to boost your own joy.

May this season be a time of joy creation and appreciation. Until next time, stay joyful!

Watch this lesson on YouTube

Books & Resources on this Topic

The Little Book of Joy

Sprung from the friendship, humor, and deep affection between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, this sweet story serves as a reminder that joy is abundant. No matter what challenges we face, joy has the power to transform the world around us even in the darkest of times.

This Beautiful Day

Three bored childen prove you can chase away any grey and gloomy day with just the right attitude, and a little bit of color. A delightful depiction of the ability of children to find joy regardless of the weather. After all, a good day has nothing to do with the weather, and everything to do with a positive attitude and being with good friends.

Happy Dreamer

Author, Peter H. Reynolds, invites readers on an journey of inspiration and reminds children of how much their dreams matter, and while life will have ups and downs, he encourages readers to stay true to who they are, follow their dreams, and pursue their own unique path to happy!

Everywhere, Wonder

A great book to spark a conversation about finding and creating joy.  The story reminds us that we each have our own, joyful stories made up of the marvelous things we notice each day. Follow it up by sharing what you noticed today and encourage children to do the same.