These Classic Games are Fun and Good for Your Brain!

Remember those classic activities we used to do as kids, like word searches, crossword puzzles, and “Seek & Find” games? They were often assigned as busy work or something to pass the time, but did you know they also offer numerous benefits for brain development? It’s time to bring these classic activities back into the spotlight and recognize their power to support cognitive growth and development.

As parents, we want our children to have the best possible start in life, and cognitive development is a crucial part of that. It affects every aspect of a child’s life, from academic success to social skills to decision-making. And while there are countless new technologies and tools available to aid in cognitive development, sometimes it’s the classic activities that can have the biggest impact.

One such classic activity is “Seek & Find” games. These visual puzzles require children to find specific objects or characters hidden within an illustration, making them a fun and engaging activity for kids of all ages. But did you know that “Seek & Find” games also offer numerous benefits for brain development?

Executive functioning is a set of mental processes that are essential for cognitive development, and “Seek & Find” games promote the development of these skills. Executive functioning includes working memory, cognitive flexibility, and inhibitory control, all of which are crucial for success in academics, social interactions, and decision-making.

  • Working memory is the ability to hold and manipulate information in your mind over a short period of time. This skill is vital for many everyday tasks, such as following multi-step instructions, remembering a phone number, or doing mental math. “Seek & Find” games are an excellent way to develop this skill because they require children to hold multiple pieces of information in their mind while searching for the hidden objects.
  • Cognitive flexibility is another critical skill that “Seek and Find” games help to develop. This skill refers to the ability to switch your focus from one task or stimulus to another and to adapt to new situations. This skill is particularly important in today’s fast-paced world, where new information and stimuli are constantly bombarding us. “Seek & Find” games require children to switch their focus from one part of the illustration to another and to switch between different search strategies. This constant shifting of attention helps to promote cognitive flexibility.
  • Inhibitory control  is the ability to control your impulses and resist distractions. This skill is critical for staying focused and on-task, and for resisting the temptation to give up when things get difficult. “Seek & Find” games require children to resist the urge to give up when they can’t find an object and to resist the temptation to skip ahead to the next puzzle before completing the current one.

The benefits of classic activities like “Seek & Find” games don’t stop there. They also improve visual perception, attention to detail, and problem-solving skills. Children must pay close attention to details in the illustration, improving their visual perception skills, and they must be meticulous in their search for hidden objects, improving their ability to sustain attention and focus for a period of time. And finally, they use problem-solving skills to find the hidden objects, improving their ability to think critically and creatively.